Some signs that your child may benefit from speech therapY:
Absence or few instances of babbling, eye contact, smiling, or gestures in infancy and early childhood
Difficulty articulating sound or substitutes incorrect consonants
Less than 10 true words at 18 months old
Has difficulty expressing their ideas and needs
Is not combining words to make simple phrases or sentences at 2-2.5 years old
Difficulties in following directions or understanding peers
Difficulty playing with and talking to peers/adults
Struggles with social commmunication
Vocal quality is hoarse, breathy, nasal
Difficulty with early reading skills & comprehension
At Happy Kids Therapy, we work with children of all ages across a wide range of abilities. If you're wondering about support for a particular challenge or diagnosis, give us a call.
language &
Our speech-language pathologists use a combination of formal clinical observations and administration of standardized assessments to determine your child’s speech-language therapy needs. A written report will be provided upon completion that will include test results, recommended plan of care and measurable goals. Evaluations are performed in the home, child's school setting or at our clinic.
Individualized Treatment Sessions
Length of sessions will be determined based on the evaluation results, but typically are between 30 to 45 minutes and occur between 1-2x/week. Sessions are to be provided in the home, virtually or in the community.
Developmental Screenings
Informal clinical observations that are performed at daycare or school settings. The results of the screening will be communicated directly with the child’s caregivers along with recommendations for consideration.
Consultation Services
One-on-one scheduled meeting via in-person, over the phone or online video platform. This may cover the following:
- giving further explanation of screening or evaluation results, home program suggestions
- updating progress in therapy goals to adjust therapy needs
- coaching to help manage specific areas of concerns
- assist in problem-solving particular issues with teachers or caregivers.